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El Nido

A Place of Hope to Nurture Families With Young Children (0 - 3 years old)

ElNidoLogoColorv2El Nido is an exciting new faith-based program of Christ Church designed to support parents with 0-3 year old children in the Washington Heights/Inwood area of Manhattan. El Nido has a three part approach:

  1. Provide strong, personal support for families living at or below the federal poverty line. For clients enrolled in the program, El Nido provides weekly or monthly one-on-one visits with our social worker for the parent(s) and child in regard to developmental milestones, both physical and mental, health, safety, discipline, etc. There is a strong focus on literacy and parent/child interaction;
  2. Foster new community connections and networks;
  3. Provide financial assistance. For example, our families receive 40 books a year to build their home library. We also provide winter coats, pajamas, blankets, diapers, formula, and clothing to our families.

Want to get involved? Awesome! Watch the video below and go to El Nido’s website to learn more!


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