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December 28th, 2018 by Stephen Bauman

Among the popular New Year’s resolutions that are proffered every January by well-meaning persons are those pertaining to work. These run the gamut from desiring a different job, spending more time at home, or being more competent. Although these intentions most often are rarely implemented, they do point to a very important series of considerations. Fact is, how we work in the world has a profound impact on the quality and content of every other aspect of our lives.

Frederick Douglass said that “a man is worked upon by what he works on. He may carve out his circumstances, but his circumstances will carve him out as well.” That’s consistent with what I see in people, and it suggests that we ought to care a lot about how we pay out our lives. Whatever we spend our time and energy on in the world is what will end up shaping us.

For instance, we can’t have peace and happiness if we spend the greater portion of our lives clawing and scraping for dominance and power. Stands to reason, you become what you prize.

Before the new year rolls ‘round, it’s worth spending some quality time contemplating this question: what do I prize most of all, really? And then this follow-up: how will I make this my consistent priority?

May grace abound to you in 2019!

Stephen Bauman

Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Bauman is the Senior Minister at Christ Church.