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A testimonial from Naila Meyers, 2013 Pilgrim


A testimonial from Stacy Matthews, 2016 Pilgrim


Other testimonials:

How has the pilgrimage impacted your spiritual, emotional or intellectual life? What insights did you gain? 

“I’m still infused with emotions and stimulated with insights about the Israeli-Palestine conflict. I was moved by Stephen’s ministry and the group  conversations.”

dsc_7660“The opportunity to be re-baptized in the Jordan River was unique, as well as having communion on the banks of the Galilee. Those experiences were exceptionally spiritually charged for me. I was glad that I made the pilgrimage. The trip was on my bucket list for a long time.  I came away realizing that I was many times blessed.”

“The trip for us was an eye-opener. We now have a greater understanding of the situation between Israel and the West Bank/Palestine.  I am not sure that there will ever be peace in the region, but we can always hope and pray. On the plane ride home, I came to realize the value of the American constitution and the Bill of Rights.”

“We feel the pilgrimage has enriched our faith.  It has made our relationship with God closer.  God has a greater role in our daily life.  From an intellectual perspective, it has left us with more questions than answers, which we consider to be both frustrating and stimulating.”

“I learned a lot about the issues… and many of my pre-conceived notions were changed. I personally was not as moved by the “traditional” sites of the many events relating to Jesus because I don’t think that we know where most of these things really happened, but just being in the land of Jesus meant so much to me.”

“It’s an ongoing experience, meaning your body leaves the Holy Land, but it does not leave you.  Every so often, I have thoughts that go back to Israel and definitely feel it is not a one-time experience for me…  I felt closer to God, felt more at ease with myself, and feel deeper in ways I can’t quite put into words at this time…”

“…The trip itself is irreplaceable for its ability to put sights and sounds to the texts (both modern and ancient).”

What would you say to someone who is considering going on a similar trip? 

“You must go!  There’s no better way to understand what you read in the Bible than to be able to envision where the events took place.”

dsc_8122“Don’t miss the opportunity!!!!”

“I would tell them that they will love it and it will be a great experience that they will never forget.”

“Just do it! On concerns of convenience and safety: no time will be convenient, and no time is likely to be any safer than it is now.”

“We would tell them the trip is a must.  If approached with an open and receptive attitude it can be a life-changing experience.”

“Go. Nothing like it in the world. See places where amazing things took place. Where Judaism and Christianity got their starts.  Go to better understand the Israeli-Palestine conflict.”

“This is an experience of a lifetime!  You must do it.  You won’t regret.”

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