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Advent with the Psalms – Brian Pinter

December 10th, 2018 by Brian Pinter

Psalm 85:11-12

Kindness and truth shall meet;

justice and peace shall kiss.

Truth shall spring out of the earth,

and justice shall look down from heaven.

Our verses today from Psalm 85 paints a portrait of what spiritual wholeness looks like.  I experience Advent as a time when I am invited to renew kindness and truth within me.  And along with this psalm, our Sunday readings from the prophets also underscore that the reign of God is marked by justice, righteousness, and peace. I feel called by these verses to ask deeper vocational questions of myself and my church community about truth, kindness, peace, and justice in this age of untruthfulness, hatred, violence, and inequality.  What am I being asked to do now?  Jesus is longing to be born into such moments as these.  How am I being called to assist in the birth of this “Truth” which seeks to spring out of the earth?

~ Brian Pinter

Brian Pinter

Brian Pinter serves as the Director of Spiritual Formation at Christ Church. He is also a certified Spiritual Director.