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Abounding Grace and Gratitude

May 19th, 2017 by Stephen Bauman

One response to our current national malaise has us throwing up our hands in frustration believing there’s nothing to be done to move our national program forward. Another has us finding our tribe on social media and ratcheting up the ranting in an echo chamber bubble.

But a third response might be this: actually deciding to do something useful, important, local, and sacrificial that supports the common good, and in the process, discovering that we are not powerless after all to effect positive, tangible change in the lives of our neighbors. That’s what we’re committed to at Christ Church. It follows right along with our seeking to love God above all things and our neighbors as ourselves.

We had a bang-up demonstration of this commitment last night at our 24th Annual Outreach Benefit. Not only did attendees have a party blast, but also they amped-up goodwill while raising money in support of our excellent efforts here in the city and around the world that promote human flourishing. And more good news: it’s not too late to still participate! We won’t close the books on this event until later next week in order to move our work into the next phase we seek to throw a wide participation net.

Check out this video of our work in Washington Heights for mothers and families with young children called El Nido (The Nest). Here’s a bet: it will stir your heart! And if it does, all I ask is that you click here to help us expand this excellent work.

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What joy and privilege to be part of a faith community that hones its theology in tangible expressions of love! That’s what it means to be a follower after the way of Jesus after all. And BTW, this Sunday at 9:45 a.m. on the 3rd floor, an El Nido “training event” can expose you to all the ways you might participate in this burgeoning program.

Thanks to everyone who has helped us mobilize and deploy our collective resources so creatively to such good ends. Grace and gratitude abound…

Stephen Bauman

Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Bauman is the Senior Minister at Christ Church.