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Donate to El Nido, A Ministry of Christ Church

September 30th, 2016 by Chad Gurley

ElNidoLogoColorv2Our baby boutique at El Nido will provide age appropriate toys and clothing to our clients. Please drop off any new or gently used gender neutral or boy clothing and toys for infants with Chad Gurley at coffee hour, or make a purchase from our Amazon Wish List under monika@christchurchnyc.org and have it sent directly to El Nido in Washington Heights.

For all who have donated – THANK YOU! Your generosity has been awe-inspiring!

El Nido is an outreach program of Christ Church. We seek to love God above all things and our neighbors as ourselves. El Nido seeks to provide overall support and community for parents during the birth and early developmental years of a child’s life.

Chad Gurley

Chad Gurley

Chad Gurley serves as the Director of Connections and Communications at Christ Church.